Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Congratulations Mr. Obama

Promise your (middle class) electorate lower taxes, free health care, free college tuition, an end to all wars, peace, hope, and change; throw in a 600 million campaign war chest and 90% of the print and TV media at your feet; presto!, you're the President.

While this campaign will be called a referendum on the failed policies of George Bush, President-elect Obama will have more challenges pre-loaded onto his shoulders than most other Presidents. With the world in economic turmoil and rogue nations still a threat to our national security, Mr. Obama already has a plate full of problems to deal with. He will need the full support, (this nation did not give to George W. Bush), from all who can give it, to get through the next four years.

I wish him and his family God's blessing and guidance as this nation goes forward. He will need it.......we all will.

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