Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thanks for the Memories.....Bill

Well, that was fast. For Bill anyway. Word got out that there was only going to be seating available for only 400 souls on Tuesday, so the "Clinton Faithful" started lining up at 11:30 am for a 7pm one hour speech. The temp outside yesterday hovered around 45 degrees with a 15mph wind chill that made it close to 30. Around 2pm the promoters came around and passed out cards with numbers ranging from 1-400. By 5pm there were over a thousand in line. Clinton spoke for one hour---(no question and answer period)---and was gone.

Of course this was big for north coast residents (especially the liberals) who have not had a President visit here since Lyndon Johnson was here for the dedication of the Lady Bird Johnson Grove, a state park that will be closed this summer by order of the Governor to help with the ailing economy (overspending by democrats) in California.

Clinton's stump was the basic reasons why Hillary should be the next POTUS----universal health care, free pre-school for every child, College for everybody who wants to go. Bill failed to mention who is supposed to pay for all of these expanded entitlements, but I'm sure the middle class taxpayer has no clue either.

I'll get a report from my friends Glenn and Mike who were working the sound systems for the event later today and may post their perspectives at RovinsWorld. Meanwhile, I'll leave ya with this quote from our local Times Standard paper to get the juices flowing:

"Perhaps most importantly, Bill Clinton said the next president will be tasked with restoring America's reputation as a leading force for world peace and prosperity. He condemned the current administration for entering a war in Iraq without letting United Nations' weapons inspectors finish their jobs, for walking away from climate change talks, for turning its back on the efforts to control nuclear weapons and for demanding to be the only country in the world exempted from the international criminal court on war crimes." link

Of course, Bill and Hillary will fix all of these "problems" with your vote. "Give me a break"

Also local reporting: The Eureka Reporter

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