Friday, November 23, 2007

State of Denial

The Washington Post must sometimes have to just "grin and bear it" when Charles Krauthammer writes his columns that basically contradicts most of the Post's ideology and agenda. In today's Post Krauthammer points out the level of denial many in the democratic party are in framing the state of Iraq:

On Iraq, a State of Denial
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, November 23, 2007;
Page A39

"It does not have the drama of the Inchon landing or the sweep of the Union comeback in the summer of 1864. But the turnabout of American fortunes in Iraq over the past several months is of equal moment -- a war seemingly lost, now winnable. The violence in Iraq has been dramatically reduced. Political allegiances have been radically reversed. The revival of ordinary life in many cities is palpable. Something important is happening."

And what is the reaction of the war critics? Nancy Pelosi stoutly maintains her state of denial, saying this about the war just two weeks ago: "This is not working. . . . We must reverse it." A euphemism for "abandon the field," which is what every Democratic presidential candidate is promising, with variations only in how precipitous to make the retreat".................. link

This is worth registering with the Post, (if you haven't), for it's reality that seems to be lacking on the left.

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