Friday, June 21, 2013

Immigration Reform & And What the Media Won't Report

In an article written by Paul Bremmer at NewsBusters on the current conflicts of the Immigration bill being considered in the Senate, an interesting point about "trust in the media" became a major part of this story.  It seems that during a session on NPR, the question was brought up about how poorly Congress is rated as an institution, and, (as this mostly liberal panel submitted as fact), if Congress can't pass this Immigration Reform Bill "with bi-partisan support", it will further affirm why Congress has such a poor rating.

Enter: Charles Krauthammer, who also happened to be on the NPR Panel:

Charles Krauthammer brilliantly and effortlessly raised an issue on last Friday’s Inside Washington that is near and dear to our hearts here at NewsBusters. It came during a discussion of the immigration reform effort now underway in both houses of Congress. Panelists Evan Thomas and Nina Totenberg agreed that if immigration reform fails to pass, given that many in both parties support it, it would be a sad commentary on Congress. 
This prompted moderator Gordon Peterson to confront Krauthammer with some new Gallup poll data about Americans’ confidence in certain institutions, including Congress: “Congress ranks last out of 16 [institutions]. A 10 percent approval rating – 10 percent! The lowest level of confidence Gallup has ever polled. The lowest for any institution on record.” [Video below. MP3 audio here.] 
Krauthammer responded with a simple question: “And what's the confidence in journalists?” Peterson, who is a journalist himself, could only chuckle, “Uh, I didn’t mention that.” Off-camera, Thomas and fellow panelist Mark Shields could be heard muttering that confidence in journalists was around 25 percent. To which Krauthammer quipped, “Saddam Hussein is somewhere in between, I’ll bet.”

Low and behold, the 25% was a bit generous:

The Gallup poll in question actually measures confidence in television news and newspapers separately. In this year’s poll, released on June 13, Americans’ confidence in those two institutions happened to be the same: 23 percent. That means they were tied for 11th place among the 16 institutions asked about in the poll.

But, what I'd like to opine about, (for the remainder of this post) is why the media is held in such low esteem with the liberal media's narratives (mis-information and omissions) specifically on the Immigration legislation before us.  To properly preface this, we must include the quotes from two other panelist in this story, Evan Thomas and Nina Totenberg:

EVAN THOMAS: This is a real test of functional government. If they can’t get this done, when you really have a lot of Republican momentum as well as Democratic, when you have labor and the chamber of commerce, when you have all these forces in alignment and they can't get it done. That's a time when Americans ought to be really worried about Congress. 

NINA TOTENBERG: Well, it is one of these situations of the tail wagging the dog. The smallest part of the base – in the Republican party it's probably, I don’t know, a third of the base or 40 percent of the base – is now wagging the whole dog. And if we can't get this done, as Evan says, when everybody seems to want to do it, it doesn't speak well for us.

Here's a perfect illustration of Krauthammer's point----the liberal media's assertion/narrative that "everybody's on board" with this Senate legislation on immigration.  Everybody doesn't want to "do it".

What Totenberg and the liberal media won’t tell you, (the American public), is that just like the backroom deals with the Insurance industry and the Big Pharmaceutical companies that took place with Obama and the Democrats, (before one page of legislation was written in the “Affordable Health Care Act”---ObamaCare), the FOUR DEMOCRATS in the Gang of 8---during the mark-up of the bill---told the FOUR REPUBLICANS that “this was already a done deal”, meaning they, the Democrats, had already solidified commitments with---ready for this--- BIG BUSINESS & LABOR UNIONS, AKA SPECIAL INTEREST.  Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions exposed this on the Senate Floor more than two weeks ago, and the story was written in the Daily Caller, but you, (the American public), won’t hear this from Nina Totenberg, the NPR, or anyone else in the liberal media.

Further, Senator Sessions wrote an op-ed in the LA Times about the deficiencies in this bill.  The Times also included a poll asking readers: “Do you agree with Sen. Sessions on immigration?”  The results were stunningly and overwhelmingly YES 83% to 17% NO’s.

What the liberal media won’t tell you, (the American public), is that Marco Rubio, (along with Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Jeff Flake) all had to know in advance that Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, and company had already made their beds with the devil---the special interest that are in total control of this legislation.  Now, the question must be asked, how, and why are Marco Rubio and these three other RINO’s also involved?  Does anyone smell a “cornhusker kick-back”?  Again, we have to go back to what Mr. Evan Thomas said:

"This is a real test of functional government. If they can’t get this done, when you really have a lot of Republican momentum as well as Democratic, when you have labor and the chamber of commerce, when you have all these forces in alignment and they can't get it done. That's a time when Americans ought to be really worried about Congress."

Evan Thomas couldn’t be more wrong.  As Krauthammer has asserted, when the MEDIA can't/won't report the truth about what's going on with this legislation, and instead produces its own false narratives, I would submit it is NOT CONGRESS we should be worried about.  We should be worried about the continued practices of the LIBERAL MEDIA, who lie to Americans on a daily basis.  For the sake of this Country's future, please read the links provided in this post, (Sessions at the Times, and in the Daily Caller).  Write your representatives in both the House and the Senate.  Tell them that Americans will not submit to another round of ObamaCare tactics----pack of lies and backroom deals, (or the showcase of phony amendments), under the guise of Immigration Reform.  And let every one of this GANG OF EIGHT understand that they will choke on this fatally flawed legislation at the polls.  And don't expect the "trustful" liberal media to inform you that this legislation IS A DISASTER IN THE MAKING.  As Krauthammer asserted, you might have gotten a more truthful reporting from Saddam Hussein.   

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